Welburn Community Primary School Art Curriculum
Our intent for art at Welburn Primary School is to develop children who:
- can explore and MAKE different types of art for different reasons
- can nurture and express IDEAS through thoughts, feelings, inventing, designing and describing
- can KNOW and understand about art by learning new skills, looking at art and artists
- can EVALUATE art by explaining likes, dislikes and improvements needed
To implement this we will:
- use resources to stimulate curiosity
- link resources and activities to children’s interests
- sometimes have open ended outcomes
- experiment with ideas and media
- demonstrate and teach skills
- help children understand how they can improve
- allow time to revisit, refine and combine skills
- allow pupils to make decisions about their work
- use the work of other artists to support teaching
- be aware that art can be ‘good’ in different ways
- teach art using these principles: observe it, craft it, abstract it, sense it, apply an artist, design it, imagine it, question it and get on with it
Art Scheme of Work
Painting Y1/2
Previous Learning:
Key Learning: name and recognise primary colours, brush manipulation and maintenance, mix & name secondary colours, paint on different surfaces, measure & mix the paint needed, add other materials to paint (glue, rice, flour etc.), still life (fruit & veg), repeated patterns
Appropriate Artists: Kandinsky, Mondrian, Klimt, Cezanne
Materials/Media: poster paint, choice of brushes
Painting Y3/4
Previous Learning: primary & secondary colours, colour mixing
Key Learning: variations of secondary colours, different brush techniques (dripping, spattering, stippling), paint with unorthodox tools ( rags, sponges, toothbrushes, cotton buds, sticks etc.), still life (everyday objects)
Appropriate Artists: Jackson Pollark, Van Gogh, Munch, Monet
Materials/Media: poster paint, cloths, sponges, match sticks, lolly sticks, toothbrushes etc.
Painting Class Y5/6
Previous Learning: variations of secondary colours
Key Learning: tones (add white & black), create form (shadows & highlights), create depth & distance, complementary colours, still life (contrasting, including modern art)
Appropriate Artists: Cezanne, Braque, Picasso, Sisley, Gauguin, Robert Fuller
Materials/Media: different paints & brushes, black & white paint
Drawing Y1/2
Previous Learning:
Key Learning: mark making, drawing simple geometric shapes, expressing preferences of media, awareness of light & dark, shade with few gaps & close to the edges, self-portraits (faces)
Paul Carney activities: Basic Tips, Geometry
Materials/Media: pencils, charcoal, crayons, felt pens, pastels
Drawing Y3/4
Previous Learning: mark making, simple geometric shapes, faces
Key Learning: draw & alter geometric shapes (cubes & cuboids), inclusion of detail, lines & marks, create dark & light tones, shade with no gaps & within edges, blend shading with tissue, fingers or another colour pastel, portraits (other people/people in action), draw simple objects relating to 3D shapes
Paul Carney activities: Basic tips, Advanced Simple Shapes, Shading 1
Foundation Stage – Basic Tips, Shading from light to dark
Beginner Stage – 3D shapes (cubes)
Materials/Media: drawing pencils, crayons, felt tips, charcoal, chalk, drawing ink, pastels
Drawing Y5/6
Previous Learning: geometric shapes (cubes & cuboids), inclusion of detail, lines & marks, create dark & light tones, shade with no gaps & within edges, awareness of position on paper, blend shading with tissue, fingers or another colour pastel, portraits
Key Learning: use of a rubber to create ‘light’, drawing of cylinders, cones & spheres, adding detail, texture & pattern, overlay colours to create new ones, shade smoothly from light to dark, simple perspective, portraits (relationships)
Paul Carney activities: Foundation Stage – Drawing Cartoons
Beginner Stage – Cartoon Shading
3D shapes cylinders, shading a sphere, still life drawing, lettering , perspective
Materials/Media: drawing pencils, crayons, felt tips, charcoal, chalk, drawing ink, pastels,
3D/Textiles/Collage Y1/2
Previous Learning:
Key Learning: create 3D sculptures using play dough, plasticine & clay, cut, tear & join different materials, crumple, fold & coil to create collage, make plans, design & make 3D models
Appropriate Artists: Goldsworthy
Materials/Media: clay, natural objects, range of everyday materials
3D/Textiles/Collage Y3/4
Previous Learning: cut, tear, join & shape a range of materials, 3D ‘soft’ sculptures
Key Learning: different ways of joining, paint 3D models, weaving, mosaics, embroidery (running, cross & chain stitch)
Appropriate Artists:
Materials/Media: clay, wire, naturals objects, fabric, thread, recycled materials, paper, wool
3D/Textiles/Collage Y5/6
Previous Learning: design & make 3D models considering finish & presentation
Key Learning: design & make a 3D model, sewing fabrics to join, sewing on beads & buttons (see DT for cross curricular)
Appropriate Artists:
Materials/Media: clay, wire, natural materials, thread, buttons
Printing Y1/2
Previous Learning:
Key Learning: Block printing, mono printing
Appropriate Artists:
Materials/Media: card, string, textured paper, potato printing
Printing Y3/4
Previous Learning: Block printing
Key Learning: block 2 colour printing, relief printing, repeated patterns
Appropriate Artists: William Morris
Materials/Media: card, string, thread, range of everyday materials, polystyrene, rollers
Printing Y5/6
Previous Learning: block 2 colour printing
Key Learning: lino printing, 3 colour printing patterns
Appropriate Artists:
Materials/Media: lino, rollers
Digital Art Y1/2
Previous Learning:
Key Learning: take photographs, basic painting software
Digital Art Y3/4
Previous Learning: take photographs, basic painting software
Key Learning: crop photographs, alter brightness, improve images, painting software
Digital Art Y5/6
Previous Learning: crop photographs, alter brightness, improve images, painting software
Key Learning: manipulate photographs to improve or change the image, painting software (see IT)