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The Governors of Welburn CP School work together with the Headteacher to create an environment that will benefit and enhance your child's learning and personal growth.

Our Governing Body meets regularly throughout the year and participate in all aspects of school life.  

It is made up from a range of people and backgrounds.

Parent Governors are parent elected.

Staff Governors are elected by the school staff.

LA Governors are NYCC appointed.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body.

Name Category Appointed by Date Appointed Term in Office Other positions of responsibility. Business interests* Relationships.
David Dryburgh Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Parent/carer Governor Election 05/10/22 04/10/26 Maths Nil Parent
Helen Thomson Head Teacher FGB 01/01/04     Nil Head Teacher
Sarah Marsden Staff Governor Staff 01/03/15     Nil Teacher
Sylvia Haines LEA Governor LEA 15/03/23 14/03/27 Geography


Daniel Hope Co-opted Governor FGB 28/05/21 27/05/25 Health and Safety




Charity and Training  
Ian Rollin Parent Governor Parent/carer Governor Election 05/10/22 04/10/26 SEND Nil Parent
Leila Hummerstone Parent Governor Parent/carer Governor Election 22/11/23 21/11/27   Nil Parent


*Relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern.


*Relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern.


Resigned Governors.

Name Stepped Down Date
Kristie Denston 28/02/22
Julian Boddy 13/07/23
Tim Steel  

FGB Attendance Report 2021-22