Our Welburn Way
Wonder Explore Learn Belong Understand Respect Nurture
These values are at the core of all we do at Welburn Primary.
Here are some examples of how these underpin our work here.
Wonder | We use the Hygge system in our early years teaching which uses a child’s natural wonder in the natural environment | All classes regularly learn outdoors and about the outdoors. | Wherever possible we use visits and visitors to support learning. | We have a wildlife area, a garden and access to woodland close by. |
Explore | Children explore concepts and ideas through talking with each other and in discussions with the teacher. | We use resources such as Nrich Maths to develop problem solving. | We use quality texts as the basis of our English curriculum. | School staff are open to new ideas and regularly conduct research alongside other professional development. |
Learn | Our curriculum has been planned collectively, builds on previous learning and develops knowledge and skills. | Our curriculum is rooted in the National Curriculum but has been tailored to our pupils and priorities. | We have introduced the WILD curriculum which teaches our pupils about the outdoors in a systematic and organized way. | All our staff are keen to learn new things and adapt and develop their teaching. |
Belong | During all 3 Lockdowns we made use of technologies such as Google Classrooms,Zoom and Loom to maintain links with our pupils. | Each class elects members for our active School Council. They have organized non-uniform days, charity fundraisers and food waste. | We develop paired and group work throughout school. Our oldest pupils organise a fete and garden party for our school and community. | We have family service at lunchtime with our older pupils serving our younger pupils. |
Understand | We make connections between different topics and also across our subjects to develop deeper understanding. | We use visits such as a residential to York to allow our pupils to have experiences of different places. | We teach topics such as the History of Migration and study quality texts like The Lost Thing and Tadpole’s Promise. | We use daily assessment for learning and daily planning which takes into account immediate prior learning. |
Respect | We actively teach good manners and kindness. | We use weekly ethos statements which are shared with our community and used for our assemblies. | We talk to our pupils and regularly seek their views through Pupil Voice interviews. | We learn about different faiths. |
Nurture | We use Mind Up to teach our pupils mindfulness and promote well being. | Pupils look after gardens and our wildlife areas. | We have clear high expectations of behavior which are taught to all our pupils. | We use paired reading across different age ranges. |